
Using other people's materials in video tutorials:

Today, the world is making tremendous strides in the fight for copyright. All images, video materials are protected by copyright law. Copyright arises at the time the photo or image is created. The same applies to texts. Therefore, the authors can rightly be outraged to find that his work is used without his/her knowledge.
Copyright usually only disappears 70 years after the death of the author. As a rule, images go into the public domain 70 years after the death of the author. This is a global practice, since the copyright registered in one country is valid in all other countries as well. If you are not sure that the image is in the public domain – you either avoid using it, or agree with the author or copyright holder that you will use its materials in this commercial video. You need to agree on this in writing, so that in case of discontent or problems with the author of the images, you have materials for lawyers.

The video sequence cannot contain fragments of someone else’s material, as in this case a complaint from the copyright holder may be received. If you need quoting, try to use no more than 10 seconds of a third-party video. And only in those cases when it is really necessary. It’s better to give a link to the authors of someone else’s footage that you used as a quote in the video caption.
Therefore, be careful with third-party content and use it only when necessary. Try to use your own original material and avoid using other people’s works (photos, videos, etc.).


Using someone else’s music: you just take any melody you like and insecan’t rt it into your video. Without permission to use, this amounts to theft. Music should not be free.

Typically, copyright in music is valid for 70 years after the death of the author. Further, this music becomes public domain, and it can be used by all who wish at their discretion. However, this right only applies to notes. The right to use a particular sound recording may belong to a recording company, orchestra or group, so it is risky to use such content thoughtlessly. You can find music absolutely free from copyright on various Internet resources, for example, Musopen.
Important! On the Internet you can find hundreds of resources that offer free music in the public domain, but do not have the right to such distribution. The result of using music from such resources can be disastrous.
Dozens of free and paid services where you can easily find a large selection of “cleared” music come to help the creators of the video master classes. Using such services and observing the requirements of the authors of musical works, you can protect your videos from the risk of complaints from copyright holders. The uninterrupted operation of your channel, high-quality footage and suitable music content – all this will positively affect the development of your channel of ballet video master classes.

You can use classical music, the rights to which have already become publicly available, like a background, so that a particular artist is unrecognizable. After all, the essence of your video master class is not the original sound of music, but your unique knowledge, which you, through recording, can spread throughout the world!

One more recommendation and good news:
Protecting your videos from copying:

You can use modern digital tools to protect your video from copying.
Besides, you can officially submit your material to the copyright office in any country and get the registration certificate.
We use Patent hatchery LLC company, USA ( for registration our original videos in the Library of Congress USA. Copyright which is registered in one country is valid in all other countries of the world.
If you want to register the copyright to your videos, you can use any professional company that you are comfortable with.

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