World Ballet Class. News 09/06/2020. Did Vaganova ever think that ballet would be taught online?

Did Vaganova ever think that ballet would be taught online?
Probably she did when she wrote her book, in order to put the systematic knowledge of ballet training on paper.
After all, a book is also a tool for transferring accumulated knowledge over time.
“While working on my method of teaching, I tried to fix the foundations of the science of dance, my achievements and all the things that led me to many years of experience as a dancer and teacher.”
Agrippina Vaganova herself confirmed the importance of fixing the achieved level of knowledge for transmission to future generations.
In our time, there are amazing technologies for preserving and transferring knowledge for training ballet dancers.
This is the Internet and video. All this has become available, since you can just pick up your phone and record a lesson. And on the other side of the planet Earth, a girl who dreams of becoming a ballerina can watch it, but she does not have the opportunity to come to the best ballet education centers (or professional ballet school).
Is there such an opportunity in the world today to learn the basics of classical dance, starting with the first steps, on your own or with the help of a local teacher, then shoot your video and send it to professionals for review, so that one day this girl will become a great prima ballerina?
It was these thoughts that led us to the idea of creating WorldBalletClass – a marketplace platform where the best teachers and dancers can record their knowledge to transmit to all dancers of the modern world and future generations. This service is called the Dream Service.
It took about six months from idea to implementation thanks to the coordinated work of our team of founders, engineers, programmers, testers, lawyers and translators and many other specialists.
We present our WorldBalletClass platform to the World of Ballet.
The platform is already online, and more than 45 lessons from the best teachers are already available. Just click and select the lesson you need.
World Ballet Class platform:
- For the heads of professional ballet schools, this is a unique opportunity to preserve the knowledge of their teachers and spread it to students around the world.
- For professional teachers: you can record your lessons and distribute them to dancers of various levels around the world.
- For students: you can choose short lessons, only those lessons that you need, build your own personal training program and choose different teachers that you prefer.
- For ballet dancers: you can record your knowledge, your unique ways of performing elements and variations, short and long strings, duets, different parts of different works, especially those in which you manage to be the best, make explanations for all students so that they learn the nuances of performance, and earn by selling access to these video lessons through the World Ballet Class platform.
- For theater’s managers: you can save the knowledge of your teachers and distribute it to students all over the world.
- Also, now in the new time of COVID-19, you will be able to provide a secure broadcast of performances to which you have rights. When you do this on YOUTUBE, anyone can download and distribute your video without complying with the law. You can, of course, file a lawsuit, but in this case you will pay the lawyers, and it is not certain that your expenses will be refunded.
- Now many theaters do free classes online, and at the same time ask for donations. Today the world has changed, the world business has suffered great losses in connection with COVID-19. We suggest that you do not wait for these donations, working with the platform you become independent.
- For teachers of ballet schools all over the world: this is an opportunity to improve their methodological level. You will be able to understand how the best teachers of ballet stars work. You don’t have to pay dearly (a big price) for this knowledge.
- The platform will allow parents of children to avoid many expenses, travel to get the opportunity to take a lesson from the teacher.
- For sponsors and patrons, this is a nice opportunity to support your favorite students, just buy lessons on the platform, specify the e-mail of the student, and he will get knowledge from the outstanding teachers of the ballet world, thanks to your support.
Our financial scheme is as follows: Money from the purchase of lessons goes directly to the account of the teacher or the copyright holder. And only part of the payment goes in favor of the platform maintenance and work of programmers, engineers, methodologists and managers.
We plan servises The platform will also be a tool for selecting talented children for training, and ballet schools will be able to use this tool. This will allow schools to find emerging talents around the world, and it will not require specialists from ballet schools to travel on business trips and look for talented children.
We have created a platform whose main goal is to preserve unique knowledge in the field of ballet.
Of course, this is a commercial project, but only in this form can it be independent of the influence of sponsors and patrons.
In fact, we provide a tool to, on the one hand, enable all students in the world to get the necessary knowledge for any level of creative development by making these lessons available. On the other hand, it gives the teacher the opportunity to record their lessons and earn money, as well as the opportunity to develop methods creatively, thoroughly and with time.
We use state-of-the-art technologies to preserve the knowledge of outstanding ballet teachers, and all our videos are protected from piracy at the highest level available today.
We have already begun work on the development of an interactive service of dream, and it all depends on whether you will buy the lessons of our outstanding professionals. We will direct these funds to the development of the project and do it for you.
And we also plan many services for the convenience of communication between teachers and students, no matter where in the world they are.
Our General goal is to accumulate and preserve for future generations a database of creative approaches to the methods of studying classical dance, so that in tens and hundreds of years people can use this heritage for their creative development.
With love,
World Ballet Class team,
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