Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre for beginners with Nadja Saidakova. Class 1



“Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre” and this lesson works very well for the eversion of the foot, for strengthening the feet, works out the inner, lower and upper legs. Works with precise back positioning in ballet. The lesson improves posture, works with all the muscles of the body. Involves the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, shows the exact positioning of the hips, gives the correct ballet classical sensation of the shoulders.

“Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre” lesson gives correct and accurate sensations in the process of performing each exercise, which cannot always be felt at the barre, standing in an upright position.

The lesson also instills elasticity and mobility in the hip joint, gives general strengthening of the torso.

All this together – gives the dancer strength in the body and legs.

*Pay attention to “Days of Use” and “Number of Devices” you can use in “Additional information” below.  You can watch this lesson during the Days of use any number of times. You can stop the video, return to the points you need, repeat, study all the nuances you need. You can learn this lesson in all the details you need. The viewing period starts from the moment the password is first entered.

Duration in minutes:






Days of use:


Number of devices:


There is also work with the muscles of the neck – as a result, sensation of lengthening of the neck, which is important for ballet.

We pull calmly and carefully, we work with everything that is important, these exercises are useful for any dancer, including a beginner, on the floor, since there is no load on the backbone.

This lesson on “Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre” does not load the whole body weight on the legs and spine (this is important for the joints, for the spine), as it does in an upright position.

Moreover, this lesson and the Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre gives a lot of necessary ballet practice, which will lead everyone to the best results.

Lessons on KNYAZEV’s METHOD are also useful for everyone after injuries and in the recovery process.

Lessons on the Knyazev Methodology are also useful for everyone after injuries and in the recovery process.

“Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.

It helps you to dance better and reach your maximum potential!

Due to the influence of the COVID-19 , the lesson contents made for  “stay-home”. The recording is also taken at home during pandemic time ,thank you for your understanding.