Boris Kniaseff Floor Barre with Nadja Saidakova
Class 1 Professional 5 days access



THIS LESSON was recorded for professional dancers in Germany during isolation. Now you also have a unique opportunity to practice using the same methodology by which the best dancers in Germany prepare themselves.

“Floor Barre” is a unique technique that has been successfully used by ballet professionals, students, and beginners all over the world since the beginning of the 20th century.

*Pay attention to “Days of Use” and “Number of Devices” you can use in “Additional information” below.  You can watch this lesson during the Days of use any number of times. You can stop the video, return to the points you need, repeat, study all the nuances you need. You can learn this lesson in all the details you need. The viewing period starts from the moment the password is first entered.

Duration in minutes:






Days of use:


Number of devices:


Boris Knyazev is the author of the FB method, revolutionary in the field of choreography, its essence is that all the training exercises that consisted of a classical dance lesson were carried out lying or sitting on the floor. Boris Knyazev’s parterre gymnastics was aimed at developing the elasticity of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, beautiful posture, stability, and good coordination of movements.

“Floor Barre” can be used as a light warm-up before the main ballet lesson, as well as a separate “lesson on the floor” for intensive training and strengthening the back muscles, building good posture, and stretching. The muscles of the abdomen, abs, chest are strengthened. In the process of training, the eversion of the feet, knees, hips is developed. The En-dehors position is acquired due to the increased load on the deep muscles of the pelvic floor, which cannot be achieved by practicing only at the ballet barre in a standing position.

The great advantage of Kniaseff parterre gymnastics is that it is performed on the floor, that is, without unnecessary stress on the spine, which does not harm the back. In this way, excessive stress, balance problems, and improper placement of body weight on the legs can be prevented. Kniaseff’s exercise is especially recommended after a long break in ballet classes, after injuries as rehabilitation.

Due to the influence of the COVID-19 , the lesson contents made for  “stay-home”. The recording is also taken at home during pandemic time ,thank you for your understanding.